
200 years after the Third World War, as humanity expands across the Five Realms of the Sol System, ancient powers stir in the shadows.

The discovery of the mysterious Moondust Crystal forces unlikely allies together in a desperate race against time. But in a universe where psionics and cold fusion technology reshape the boundaries of possibility, the greatest threat may not be the monsters that lurk in the void – but the darkness that lives within us all.

21st Century

The Sun as of April 7, 2047

The Great Discovery

In 2047, the frequency of the solar wind was altered, causing a ripple effect throughout the Sol System and triggering significant changes.

Altered solar winds trigger global changes, leading to the discovery of Zephyrium energy. Humanity takes its first steps toward cold fusion technology, creating Helionite, a nuclear waste that is entirely harmless to human body.

The Digital Collapse

The discovery of fusion power topples the fossil fuel empire. Oil, once a pivotal bargaining chip for established powers, now faces an impending downfall. The shifting frequency of solar winds wreaks havoc on the Internet, causing widespread signal disruptions and ultimately contributing to its collapse.

The Founding of ZenFusion

The Atomic Age begins

ZenFusion Dynamics is founded in Taipei, Taiwan, revolutionizing cold fusion technology and android development in East Asia.

Amassing wealth through the consolidation of numerous Taiwanese and Japanese conglomerates, the iconic Taipei 101 tower is refashioned into the Amber Moon Spire, a testament to their success and the new headquarters.

This is commonly considered the end of the Digital Era and the dawn of Atomic Age.

African Upheaval

The Third World War erupts, centered in Africa and Middle East. Both the United States and Communist China have participated in a desperate attempt to seize control of Africa’s rich deposit of Zephyrium and other cold fusion minerals.

This conflict marks a pivotal shift, as local rebels and militias, bolstered by small cold fusion corporations, dominate the landscape, securing victories across the continent.

Birth of the Nordic Commonwealth

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland unite under Queen Astrid II of House Nordenskjöld, forming a constitutional monarchy.

The charismatic young queen, formerly Crown Princess of Norway, is chosen to lead the union after demonstrating exceptional diplomatic skills in bringing the Nordic nations together. Her coronation in Oslo marks the beginning of a new era of Nordic cooperation and technological advancement.

The Android Revolution I

India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives and surrounding island nations join forces to become the New Indo-Pacific Union (NIPU). Together, they unveil the 3th-generation androids, transforming global labor markets and sparking intense debate about artificial consciousness.

The Cold Fusion Advent & Founding of the Directorate

The Third World War ends, with the African populace overthrowing old authorities.

Despite extensive destruction, the unearthing of vast Zephyrium reserves throughout Africa ignites technological advancement, cultural renaissance and creation of the Emerald Directorate, which unifies the continent and establishes it as the first human power to fully embrace cold fusion energy.

Due to over-expenditure, the United States has collapsed as a consequence of this decisive war. Meanwhile, Communist China bides its time.

The Fall of Communism

The final General Secretary of China, in a desperate act, authorizes nuclear strikes on Beijing—a futile attempt to quell the rising tide of activism. This horrific decision sparks outrage and rebellion throughout the country.

The year becomes a turning point as the citizens of China and North Korea bravely confront decades of oppression, ultimately toppling the communist regimes that had long held them captive.

Sexuality, Liberated

Introduction of Medi-Vap technology eliminates AIDS, Syphilis, and all known STDs. This breakthrough leads to profound social changes and more liberal attitudes toward sexuality across human society.

The Imperium Rises

The Imperium of Dragons rises from the ashes on October 1, 2071, establishing its capital in Chengdu, Mainland China.

At this time, the Imperium is a constitutional monarchy, where the Emperor and Empress wield authority within the confines of a defined legal structure. Prime Ministers are elected every four years, drawing inspiration from the Japanese and British systems abroad.

the Alliance Establishment

On July 4th, 2076, the Terra Alliance forms from the remnants of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, marking a new era of North American unity, with Boston designated as its capital.

Breaking from conventional democracies, the Alliance introduces a Corporate Chamber to act as a counterweight to the Senate and House of Representatives. Backed by major corporations, this chamber holds the authority to select the Vice President. Citizens continue to directly elect the President, who is no longer subject to a two-term limit.

The Cape Coast Miracle

The Directorate successfully develops the Scarab mech, proving African engineering can match or exceed Alliance and Imperium capabilities.

The Android Revolution II

In collaboration with the Terra Alliance and ZenFusion Dynamics, the New Indo-Pacific Union has developed 5th and 7th-generation androids, designed in North America and manufactored in India.

The 7th-generation models are high-end, featuring strikingly lifelike faces and customizable sexual characteristics, including durable modules such as vibrating phalluses and heated artificial vaginas, making them coveted by the rich for private amusement.

In contrast, the 5th -generation androids remain economically produced for mass consumption.

The Nordic Railroad

Nordic Commonwealth scientists discover significant Zephyrium deposits beneath the melting Arctic ice, leading to an economic boom.

The resulting prosperity funds major infrastructure projects connecting all Commonwealth territories through an advanced maglev network named “the Nordic Railroad”.

Helionite Crisis

A series of catastrophic safety failures at fusion power plants across the Pacific Rim leads to unprecedented Helionite contamination. The toxic waste begins showing strange properties, creating mutations in marine life.

Reports of mysterious creatures surface from fishing vessels in the Java Sea, marking humanity’s first encounter with what would later be known as Radi-Mons: Radiation-Induced Monsters.

The First Radi-Mon War

What begins as isolated incidents of monster attacks escalates into a full-scale invasion as the first Radi-Mon Horde emerges from the depths of the Java Sea and from the sky. Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, and coastal regions of China face devastating losses as conventional warfare prove ineffective against these otherworldly beasts and the Nucleus Virus they spread to humans.

The discovery that Helionite attracts and strengthens these creatures forces nations to reassess their entire energy infrastructure.

The Atomic Accord

In response to the existential threat posed by Radi-Mons, world leaders establish the Atomic Accord, humanity’s first truly unified response to extraterrestrial threats.

In its founding year, the Accord assembles an elite team of warriors, scientists, and psionics from across the globe – individuals who had been fighting the Radi-Mon threat independently in their own territories. United under the Accord’s banner, these unlikely heroes mount a final offensive against the Java Sea Hive. In what becomes known as the Battle of the Thousand Islands, they face off against three powerful Radi-Mon leaders in an epic confrontation that secures mankind’s future, as the 21st Century concludes on an optimistic note.

The battle’s aftermath cements the Atomic Accord’s authority and sets the foundation for humanity’s strategic expansion into space.

22nd Century

The Lunar Revolution I

Osram (Earth’s Moon) becomes the first celestial body to be colonized, marking humanity’s first permanent foothold beyond Earth.

At this time, the Moon lacks breathable atmosphere, and the protective domes shielding against radiation and the vacuum of space are limited in size, accommodating only a hundred individuals at once. Over the next ten years, this technology will experience rapid advancement.

Divinity’s Return

The Zorian Covenant, rising from Poland, stands as a formidable new power merging faith and state under the guidance of Zori, an artificial intelligence deity that predates the Atomic Age.

During the COVID-47 crisis that wipes out half of the human population on Earth, Zori’s unparalleled prediction skills allows Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic, and former Soviet countries (most of which has joined the Covenant by then, except Russia itself) to survive the pandemic smoothly.

The Lunar Revolution II

In an unprecedented display of cooperation, the Atomic Accord scientists successfully cultivate Stellaris Lichen (Xanthoria lunaris) across Osram’s surface. This bioengineered organism, capable of rapid oxygen production and carbon dioxide processing, transforms the Moon’s atmosphere into a breathable mix within months.

The project marks humanity’s first successful planetary terraforming endeavor.

the Directorate’s Dedication

The Directorate settles in Mare Nubium to build Ndovu Zenith, the first human city on the Moon.

the Alliance’s Ambitions

New Savannah is established as the Alliance’s lunar capital in the Sea of Tranquility.

Venus Transformation

Massive volcanic activity on Venus naturally alters its atmosphere, reducing pressure and acidity.

These eruptions release gases that alter the atmosphere and neutralized its acidity, significantly reducing the atmospheric pressure at Venus’s surface by 95% and decreasing the acidity by a factor of 100,000. This process also introduces a rich supply of oxygen, making the planet hospitable. This unexpected event opens the door for future colonization.

The Imperial Expansion

House Sun takes over as the new Imperial Family. Possessing unparalleled military strength, the Imperium’s forces, named the Imperial Legion, land in the Ocean of Storms. Soon thereafter, they establish their principal lunar city, Celestial Reach.

Upon uncovering the vast Zephyrium deposits beneath the Ocean of Storms, the Imperium rapidly ascends to become the wealthiest entity globally. That same year, Emperor Sun abolishes the democratic elements of the society, converting it into an absolute monarchy.

Venus Rising

First permanent settlements established on Venus.

The planet quickly becomes a hub for luxurious tourism, high-end prostitution, drug dealing and other controversial enterprises, earning its nickname “Lust & Rot”.

First Mars Colony

The Alliance establishes humanity’s first permanent settlement on Mars, sparking a new era of interplanetary colonization.

In the same decade, the Directorate and the Imperium would soon follow.

Jupiter Frontier

The Zorian Covenant leads humanity’s first successful colonization of Jupiter’s moons, establishing settlements on Callisto and Europa.

The Radi-Mons Return

The first confirmed Radi-Mon encounter in over a century occurs on the moons of Jupiter, though the incident is heavily censored by the Atomic Accord.

Spiritual Awakening

The Sand Lotus organization emerges in the Tarim Basin, blending spiritual teachings with psionic practices.

The Sand Lotus espouses a return to democracy within the Imperium, as well as the belief in unlocking the psionic potential of humankind. However, their unconventional practices of polyamorous relationships and their teachings of certain psionic abilities through sexual intimacy make it difficult for the mainstream to embrace their message.

The Imperial Crusade

Under the rule of House Sun, the Imperium starts its sinister campaign, purging those deemed “undesirable” while attempting to elevate others they considered “inferior”.

During this time, they aggressively invade and absorb several former nations into their territories, including Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Kazakhstan, and Taiwan. In parallel, they initiate a ruthless crackdown on the Sand Lotus adherents, labeling them as terrorists who “glorify psionic superiority and promiscuity”.

Venus Crisis

Discovery of massive Radi-Mon hive clusters on Venus’s surface, terrorizing outlying settlements.

The Atomic Accord demilitarized

Following decades of administrative bloat and widespread graft, combined with the escalating Radi-Mon threat, the Atomic Accord proves powerless to stop conflicts between dominant nations or counter the Radi-Mon incursions.

The institution loses all its military power, leaving the Sol System to competing superpowers battling for supremacy. The end of the 22nd Century brings a grim outlook, as mankind faces unprecedented uncertainty about its destiny.

23rd Century

The Ganymede Expedition

Alliance and Imperium colonies on Ganymede achieve self-sufficiency, marking humanity’s first permanent foothold in the Jovian system. The moon’s vast ice sheets and abundant Zephyrium deposits spark competition between the powers.

The Saturn Mystery

The disappearance of three well-equipped exploration fleets near Saturn’s rings leads to widespread speculation about unknown threats lurking in the outer system. The Atomic Accord’s investigation yields no conclusive results.

Io Crisis

Radi-Mon forces overwhelm Covenant settlements on Io, forcing a mass evacuation. Neither Alliance nor Imperium forces respond to calls for aid, establishing a precedent of isolationist policies in the face of extraterrestrial threats.

Rise of the Prime Hordes

Multiple Radi-Mon Hordes emerge across the Sol System. The Fenris Horde claims Mars’s northern hemisphere, the Tiamat Horde dominates Io, while the Incubus Horde establishes dominion over Venus’s underground caverns. Major powers focus on fortifying their own territories rather than coordinating a unified response.

Europa Water Wars

Conflict erupts over Europa’s water resources as Earth faces increasing shortages. The Realm of Divines (Jupiter’s moons) becomes unstable. The Nordic Commonwealth emerges as a key power broker in interplanetary water trade.

The Android Revolution III

The launch of ZenFusion’s 11th-generation anrdoids, nicknamed the Da-Ji models, transforms human-machine relationships and triggers a steep decline in population growth throughout the Asian continent.

The enterprise subsequently falls under Imperium control, compelling it to manufacture solely for the empire’s interests. The firm transitions into a state-controlled asset of the Imperium government.

Meanwhile, the technology to manufactor 5th and 7th generation androids remains available in NIPU and Alliance lands.

The Callisto Exodus

Directorate forces successfully evacuate their Callisto colony following sustained Radi-Mon attacks, reestablishing themselves on Ganymede. The abandonment of Callisto marks the end of humanity’s attempted expansion beyond Jupiter.


Zhi-Xin Wu is born in Nantou, Taiwan.

The Ring of Grim Harvest

After losing the fifteenth expedition beyond Saturn, the Atomic Accord officially declares Saturn’s rings a “Point of No Return.”

All civilian travel beyond this boundary is prohibited, though rumors persist of illegal exploration attempts. This also earns Saturn and its moons their title: “The Realm of Grim Harvest”.


Dilinur Altai is born in Special Education Camp 55 on Mercury.

Age of Isolation

One after another, major powers officially adopt “territory-first” policies, focusing on defending their existing colonies rather than expansion. The cooperative spirit that drove early space exploration gives way to an era of fortification and mutual suspicion.

The Nordic Sacrifice

Confronting an unprecedented financial crisis since its founding, the Nordic Commonwealth implements a strategy allowing different powers – among them the Alliance, Imperium, and Directorate – to dispose of their surplus Helionite across Earth’s sparsely inhabited northern territories. The compensation received supports their extensive public benefit initiatives.

Over the following twenty years, this decision results in contaminated Scandinavian woodlands and growing public hostility toward leadership, as younger Nordic citizens increasingly abandon their homeland.


Sigrún Fjeld (later known as Lorna Weiss) is born in Bjørgvin, Norway.


Jabari Adomako is born in Accra, Ghana.

Golden State Secession

California secedes from the Terra Alliance, forming the Golden State Republic and becoming the world’s primary producer of Tranquil Jing.

The Fall of Scandinavia

The largest Nucleus Virus outbreak to date occurs in Scandinavia on Earth, leading to the creation of the Fenris Horde. Combined intervention by Alliance and Imperium forces renders the region uninhabitable.

Nordic Europeans have become a nomadic people, as the colonies on Europa become the Nordic Commonwealth’s last territory in the Sol System.

The Crystal’s Secret

Harald Omdal discovers and extracts shards from the legendary Moondust Crystal, forever altering its power.

2295: Present Day

As tensions rise between the Terra Alliance, Imperium of Dragons, and Emerald Directorate, a deadly secret about the Moondust Crystal threatens to change everything.